
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gone Girl (2014)

This movie was terrifying. Not because it made me jump out of my seat but because I can totally see this happening in real life. It also reminded me of the very real and disturbing Laci Peterson case back in 2002.  

I can’t really get into much detail because it’s best to go in without knowing anything. All you need to know is that a wife goes missing. The acting is spot on, Ben Affleck shines but not brighter than Rosamund Pike. She’s wasn't that well known other than being a bond girl. But I remember her from Joe Wright’s version of Pride and Prejudice. Supporting cast is also spot on. I really liked Carrie Coon’s and Kim Dicken’s character. This film really has great female characters. And Tyler Perry is well cast here, for once. Critics are complaining about Neil Patrick Harris being missed cast. I don’t feel like he was. Maybe because I was too young to see him as Doogie Howser.  

The score from Trent Reznor and Atticus Reznor is creepy. For a couples times it sounded like a horror film and it also reminded me of Hanz Zimmer’s score of  Inception. Not a bad mix. But it doesn't beat The Social Network’s score. 

I also have to mention David Fincher. Other than Aliens 3 his movies are never less than Good. This one is more than good. Thank you David Fincher.

Overall this film is scary, funny and intriguing. Go watch it, you will be pleasantly surprised if you didn't want to watch it in the first place.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Citizen Kane (1941) vs Casablanca (1942)

Which is the better film?

They are both fantastic films.  Citizen Kane (1941)  beats Casablanca (1942) in most top 100 lists such AFI’s Top 100.  Not by much though. Both films are almost always top 10 if not top 5.

If we look at it from a technical point of view Citizen Kane wins because the non-linear structure, deep focus and the “show not tell” ending.  And if we use our emotions Casablanca is the better film. Thanks to the ending. Casablanca’s ending just hits harder.  It’s the perfect ending.  Citizen Kane leaves me depressed and angry while Casablanca leaves me just right.

Many argue that Citizen Kane might be the smarter film, but Casablanca is no dummy either. Watch it again and notice the shadowy images. Look at the shadows of prison bars, and listen to the dialogue, political propaganda. You might not like but it’s there.

Winner: Casablanca